Becoming A Rebel
What does it mean to be a Rebel in the world today?
It means acting against the common threads running through our society, such as material wealth, socioeconomic success, conforming to what society and family expects of us rather then what we truly want, running away from feelings and emotions about ourselves and others, and distracting ourselves from the body's root causes of dis-ease. It is about taking personal responsibility for our health, relationships, peace, and well-being. This revolution is an act against our habitual reactivity, in terms of what we feel, how we act, and how we approach our life, the forces that surround us, and our relationships. It takes an Act of Rebellion to not run away from the feelings we typically run away from. When we put issues on the shelf of our mind, deciding to deal with them later, we create further suffering for ourselves, and we stagnate our souls deepest desire to express fully the yearning we have to live our life authentically and vibrantly. Sit and have the difficult discussion with yourself, with your significant other, with a friend. What is it you want? What is it you're afraid of?Sitting with these questions in your heart for a few days, weeks, months Without Needing an Answer is a profound technique to draw what you truly desire to the surface. The habitual tendency is to Hide from the Confrontation with Your Feelings. Cultivating the Rebel Within is about Recognising the Habitual Patterns that are causing you Dis-ease and Confronting Them With Compassion, Patience, Self-Love, and Action. This Dis-ease that we speak of rebelling against can manifest physically, through our lack of physically moving our bodies in new and challenging expressions. When we focus on our bodies for a while, we shift our energy from excessive thinking to Mindful Awareness of the Body. Mentally this can happen through a lack of tension-relieving practices such as Mindfulness, Meditation, Prayer, Surrender, Stillness, and Silence. Spiritually we can become dis-eased by Holding onto Beliefs and World-views That No Longer Serve The Growth of Our Soul. When we view nature, we see the gradual Becoming and Non-Becoming of things. Everything slowly is expressing itself, and something that is not allowed to express itself can die very quickly and prematurely. When there is no fresh water for your plant at home, it can become dis-eased, shrivelled, dry, and weak. We are also a living organism in nature, and any lack of nourishment of mind, body, or soul can lead to the same state of imbalance. When we do not allow our thoughts and beliefs in life to change, our mind can become stagnate and thirsty. This thirst for newness is often hidden and submerged by activities such as watching excessive television, eating unhealthy foods for temporary pleasure on a regular basis, denying our minds new perspective and education, sufficient sleep, excess electronic stimulation, excessive work and commute schedules, and 101 excuses for why you can't do today the one thing your Soul and Body Truly Desire. Today, I want to challenge you, to become a Rebel, to not run away from how these feelings are manifesting within you. Sit and befriend yourself with the discomfort, anger or whatever the emotion is you're working with. The "Better Version" of yourself you envision for the future will never arrive. Instead, who you are in this moment, is who YOU ARE. It is from this point that we become more alive, more accepting, more vibrant, and tap into our full potentiality. When you fully accept who you are and do not try and change your inner self, an inner calm begins to develop and from this stage is where the Inner Rebel begins to realise what thoughts, actions, and behaviours feed or starve the Nowness of Awareness, the Peacefulness of your Body-Mind, and the Vibrant Health of Self and Other. Onces we begin this acceptance of who we are and where we are, we stop running. We allow the Space of Who We Are to Transform Us. This enables us to then ask, what should I do next? Every single moment, second by second, is an opportunity to ask, what can I do next to transform my physical health, my mind, my habitual reactivity, my habitual thinking patterns. Cultivating the energy of The Compassionate Witness towards your thoughts and actions will slowly reveal the next steps in your life, and the at-first difficult and challenging things you might have to do in order to bring about the long-term change you seek in your life. My prayer is that Compassion, Patience, and Love for Self and Other guide your way. That you Befriend Who You Are. That your daily activities be filled with Soul-Watering Actions and Thoughts, that every moment becomes an Opportunity For Mindfulness, and that you commit to always living in the Splendour of Now. ✨