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💥 The Power of Your Presence 💪

The dreams we've dreamt are growing at nature's pace. Can we be present with the waves of their unfolding?

Make some tea, take a sip, and close your eyes. If no tea, sip in the air slowly with a few expansive breaths. Indulge the moment. Being right Here is the best way to live your life. Have you felt the pull of Spring finally shifting into second gear this week? The weather here in Georgia has been incredibly breathtaking. If you have the opportunity, go sit under tree and listen to the sounds of birds, bees, a lawnmower, and perhaps a barking dog next door. As we nourish through Spring, the process of growing into new perspectives, goals, and relationships comes with its' ups and downs. Typically we react to the up and down, becoming excited or agitated, happy or sad. Immediately after, have you ever noticed the reaction itself? Have you noticed your thoughts and the feelings in your body when experiencing an emotion? Your reactive patterns to pleasant or negative stimuli are deeply ingrained. But the more we begin to notice them, understand them, and be unidentified with our reaction, the waves tend to settle easier. Our nerves can settle a little bit more. We remember that we are in fact human and can give ourselves a break. We allow ourselves space. This cultivation of noticing and giving space is called the Witness. The Witness is always there, ever present. Tuning into the witness perspective of our lives helps us understand the causes and conditions that create who we are today, in this moment, in every second. We are constantly changing moment to moment and the deeper our awareness of our Habitual Reactivity, the more we can shift our perspective towards Love and Understanding. The more we bring Consciousness to our patterns of behavior, thought, and intention, the more we begin to slowly shift into the higher vibrations of love, compassion, forgiveness, clarity, gratitude, joy, generosity, patience, wisdom, and lightheartedness. "This Little Light of Mine, I'm Gonna Let It Shine." The light of becoming conscious dispels the darkness of ignoring what is causing us harm. So often we forgot how powerful we truly are. From our physical capabilities to our mental and spiritual Light, there is nothing that can hold us back from achieving freedom in our lives. In fact, you actually already have everything you need, we just need to patiently practice removing the Layers of Conditioning that hold us back. One of these layers is self doubt, a form of fear... Have you ever felt or thought the following?... "Am I really capable of achieving this goal?" "Do I have what it takes to follow this dream?" "One step forward, two steps back" "I don't _____ enough... I'm not _____ enough." "I want to _____ but I'm _____..." and so the list continues, basically any construct the portrays lack of self worth, self love, or self growth. These words, often stemming from the social conditioning of our time, subtly seep into our daily views, thoughts, actions, and behaviors. If we're not careful, it begins to create a low and heavy vibration in our bodies, attracting others of similar disposition and sinking you deeper into negative patterns. I know I've been there, I'm guessing at some point you have to. Constant labeling, comparing, shaming, judging, analyzing, competing, and "should've-could've-would've's" in our lives or our perceptions of others bombard us with a constant need to Be Something, Become Something, or Eliminate Something.. rather than just BE-ing. This Being.. is a higher vibration.. one of Light-ness and Full-ness. It is present in each one of us and is our Birthright of Bliss. A sense of just Be-ing in the moment allows our nervous system to relax and our mind to settle. Everything we need is Here. But it is ultimately Our Choice. What will we choose Now? There's always a Choice and there's always a Now. The heart, this bridge between our lower and higher selves, is capable of a Deeper Intelligence than Thought when it is tuned into the Now. It supersedes logic and rationalization. It is Pure Love. This is what the great sages and teachers are telling us. This is where our lives can operate. This is where the magic happens. The entire body-mind-heart works as one synergistic vehicle.. this is where Joy and Freedom are, this is where you find the meaning of your dreams and the clarity to truly feel the dreams of others. It's pure Alive-ness. What does it mean to be Present? How can we access this deep Web of Power within us to act in the world with lightness and ease, with joy and freedom, with peace and calm? Shamans would say it is about connecting to the energy that is within us and surrounds us all and connects every living being, plant, mineral, and substance. This connection is accessed by being fully HERE. Sitting with ourselves, our thoughts, our visions, and our sensations in this moment can be a wonderful tool. It's mostly about Less Talking and Thinking and spending time in Silent Contemplation. Have you ever been around an individual that gives you an amazing feeling of presence, support, and love? Someone who's eyes are deeply involved in the moment, in your words, in connecting with you fully? Someone that gives you space to be you. This energy we also have within us, and when we listen more, when we release Expectations, when we Let Go of Playing The Game, something amazing happens... our Gifts & Talents shine effortlessly. Compassion, Gratitude, and Presence These simple words can become a Living Mantra for your life. Sing them, speak them, think them, and even better.. bring them into the physical plane with your Actions. May I act with compassion, gratitude, and presence towards myself and others. Do the following with the phrase above: Think it, Whisper it, Speak it, Whisper it, Think it. Notice how it feels in each vibration. Now that these concepts are flowing through you, this is a perfect time to completely.. Allow Them to Release and Move Into Meditation.

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