Pranayama & 10 Minute "So Hum" Meditation
Pranayama (breath control/expansion) and "so hum" meditation are wonderful tools that can bring you directly into the present moment. It requires no experience with meditation nor any belief system. All that is required is simply bringing awareness to your breath, the non-judgmental noticing of your thoughts-emotions-sensations as they come and go, and innocently welcoming the mantra "so hum". This mantra translates to "I Am That" and connects us with ourselves, others, and all of reality around us. It connects us to the Universal Energy, the Web of Power, the Tree of Life, or whatever speaks to you in your heart and connects you to something deeper. The meaning however, is not needed in your meditation, what's most important is the gentle sound itself. Mantras are powerful tools or vehicles for taking our mind from one state towards a calmer state of mental and physical clarity. Every meditation session is different, so don't worry about trying to "do it right". Simply making the effort is all that is needed. This is why yoga is called a Practice. Ok let's get started.
Sit comfortably and close the eyes. Use a cushion or bolster to sit on if your lower back feels tight. Feel your spine erect yet relax the muscles in your body and face. Begin by expanding your breath to a 4-count inhale with a small 1-count pause at top followed by a 4-count exhale with a slight 1-count pause at the bottom. Do this for 2 minutes or what feels like 2 minutes (around 15-20 breaths), then allow your breath to flow naturally. Release trying to control your breath. Feel your breath rise and fall. As you breath in gently think the syllable “So” and as you breathe out think the syllable “Hum”. Allow the mantra to be a gentle and quiet voice in the mind. It may even fade from time to time and that's perfectly ok. As thoughts come and go, invite the mantra back. You’ll notice that the breath sounds like “so” on the inhale and “hum” on the exhale. Do this for 5 minutes then, keeping the eyes closed, release the practice, but sit for another minute or two before you come out slowly and gently open the eyes. Use a meditation timer app on your phone or simply open an eye to monitor a clock/watch. Stick to the recommended time and enjoy!
Journal any thoughts and experiences you might have. Challenge and motivate yourself to practice this meditation twice daily, before breakfast, and before dinner. Feel free to email me should you have any questions or just want to chat.