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Tune Into Your Sloth Wisdom

We can learn from the behavior of Sloths. These tree-dwelling mammals move slowly, deliberately, and with exceptional perspective, often times hanging out upside down and lounging about. During most of their day, sleep is of utmost priority, logging in 15-18 hours of sleep. A key word you might think of when thinking of sloths is slowness.

Often in our face-paced culture of the 21st century, slowness is forgotten and is replaced with the competitive pursuit of success, growth, and achievement. Acting in the world, achieving goals, creating deadlines, and pursuing one's dreams is by no means a horrible transgression. However, when we lose sight of our balance of activity with non-activity, being active versus resting, power yoga versus restorative yoga, we often find ourselves tweaked out, stressed, and unable to relieve an underlying tension. Sloth's teach us that nature can be steady and slow, and isn't always moving with hummingbird-like speed.

This little dude lives in harmony with nature, often times being so still that algae grows on its fur while in its meditative stillness. They are active, but with simple activity, choosing which branch to sleep on next and when it is time to eat. Western culture has a tendency of equating slowness with wasting time and it is quite unfortunate because in these very still moments, great insights can come, joy can be found, and a renewed vitality can emerge.

You are now officially challenged... to do asbolutely nothing. Take time to restore, renew, and replenish your mind, body, and spirit. When living in the moment, there is infinite time because time is an illusion. The next time you are free, take a little snooze, bask in the sunlight like so much of the animal kingdom enjoys to do, and relish in the feeling of having the eyes drawn closed or barely open.

Let's try this.. Find a comfortable seat or lie down. Take a minute to just notice your body, breath, and your surroundings. Then begin..

Inhale deeply and slowly. Let the breath travel very consciously and move your awareness towards the heart.

Exhale slowly, feel your body settle and the muscles loosen up as your spine stays gently long.

Inhaling again, know that you are in the present moment, feel the aliveness there, the space.

Exhaling smoothly, know that in this moment, there is peace.

Repeat this little breathing exercise for 5 minutes, then enjoy a peaceful nap, or maybe hang from a tree for a while.

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